Hey Reader,
So I'm not too great at remembering to email people. So I apologize for the gap between my last email and now. But I wanted to update you on where we are with the GoFundMe.
First off, IT'S STILL LIVE! So if you haven't had a chance, go check it out HERE. I'm definitely still missing some of the pledges who gave to my original Kickstarter campaign, so I'm trying to get the word out in case some people don't know that I switched to GoFundMe.
You may be asking why I switched. Basically, Kickstarter was only going to give me the money if I reached the goal, and the goal was way too high because Kickstarter took too much of a cut off the top which made me have to ask for more than I needed just to pay for their services. I used Kickstarter originally on the advice of a few other musicians I knew that Kickstarter had worked for them. But everyone's community is different and it didn't work for me. So I pivoted to GoFundMe, which is what I should've done to begin with. GoFundMe gives me all of the funds everyone donates, minus just 2% for their cut. This allows me to have tiered goals. Right now I'm trying to get over the $3000 mark which will at least get me a 3 song EP. But if I'm honest with you, I'm really shooting for a goal of $5000 because I can do a lot more with a 5 song EP than I can with a 3 song EP.
I'll go into more detail in the future, but for now I hope you'll consider helping me reach my goal by going to my GoFundMe (HERE).
Thanks so much for your love and support. I've been blown away by the support everyone has shown thus far, and we've already surpassed what my Kickstarter has done, so we are well on our way! Let's do it together!
Hello! I want to share a little bit about where my head is at currently, and what my plans are moving forward. So, we are not remotely close to our goal on Kickstarter and the campaign ends tomorrow. Through this whole process, I've come to realize that Kickstarter may have been the wrong way to go for this type of campaign at this stage for myself as a music artist. But I did learn a ton and am ready to make some course corrections! Also, and I really didn't see this coming, but it turns out...
Hey friend, I’ll keep this short and sweet. It seems we’ve officially plateaued on the Kickstarter at just 10%. With only about two and a half weeks left, I’m pushing as hard as I can to get the word out. A friend who ran a successful Kickstarter recently told me they got to the LAST DAY of their campaign and someone said to him they didn’t even know he was doing a Kickstarter, despite him posting 4 times a day for over a month. And that person was the reason they made their goal in the final...
The Campaign Launches Tomorrow Thats right, folks. Sorry to not give you more of a heads up. I definitely intended to give you at least a week's heads up, but Covid changed my plans drastically. But instead of postpone (it's already been postponed twice behind the scenes) I decided to jump in with both feet and just PROMOTE LIKE HELL! So follow this button below to go to the kickstarter pre-launch page and make sure to hit that follow button. That's all you gotta do right now. But come...